Statement of the Max Planck Society about Prof. Ghassan Hage
The renowned Lebanese-Australian scholar Ghassan Hage, who is highly acclaimed in the scientific community, has been working at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology since April 2023. Recently, he has shared a series of posts on social media expressing views that are incompatible with the core values of the Max Planck Society. In agreement with the Institute, the Max Planck Society has therefore ended its working relationship with Prof. Hage.

The freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany for 75 years are invaluable to the Max Planck Society. However, these freedoms come with great responsibility. Researchers abuse their civil liberties when they undermine the credibility of science with publicly disseminated statements, thereby damaging the reputation and trust in the institutions that uphold it. The fundamental right to freedom of opinion is constrained by the mutual duties of consideration and loyalty in the employment relationship.
Racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination, hatred, and agitation have no place in the Max Planck Society.