Book Chapter (60)

Book Chapter
Becker, U.; Chesalina, O.: Chapter 1: Social Law 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities in Social Protection. In: Social law 4.0: new approaches for ensuring and financing social security in the digital age, pp. 15 - 38. Nomos 2021, Baden-Baden (2021)
Book Chapter
Chesalina, O.: Chapter 2: Platform Work: Critical Assessment of Empirical Findings and its Implications for Social Security. In: Social law 4.0: new approaches for ensuring and financing social security in the digital age, pp. 39 - 72. Nomos 2021, Baden-Baden (2021)
Book Chapter
Strban, G.: Chapter 13: Social Law 4.0 and the Future of Social Security Coordination. In: Social law 4.0: new approaches for ensuring and financing social security in the digital age, pp. 335 - 361. Nomos 2021, Baden-Baden (2021)
Book Chapter
Grinblat, R.: The Role of Law in Creating Space for Innovation: An Example fromthe Healthcare Sector in Germany. In: Creating innovation spaces: impulses for start-ups and established companies in global competition, pp. 209 - 219 (2021)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: Introduction. In: European welfare state constitutions after the financial crisis, pp. 1 - 23 (2020)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: Conclusions from a Comparative Perspective. In: European welfare state constitutions after the financial crisis, pp. 338 - 353 (2020)
Book Chapter
Chesalina, O.: Zakonodatel'stvo v sfere truda i social'nogo obespechenija v uslovijah pandemii v FRG (Legislation in the Field of Labour and Social Security in the Context of the COVID-Pandemic in Germany). In: Shesterjakowa, Irina (Hrsg.), Primenenie zakonodatel'stva v sfere truda i social'nogo obespechenija: mezhdunarodnyj i nacional'nyj aspekty: sbornik statej po materialam II Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Saratov, 7.07.2020 (Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Application of Legislation in the Field of Labour and Social Security: International and national aspects”), Saratov, pp. 170 - 174 (2020)
Book Chapter
Hruschka, C.: Anerkennung und Aufnahme als Flüchtling (inbes. RL 2011/95/EU und RL 2013/33/EU (§21). In: Enzyklopädie Europarecht, (Band 10), pp. 729 - 812 (2020)
Book Chapter
Börsch-Supan, A.: Life history analyses with SHARE. In: Handbook on demographic change and the lifecourse, pp. 69 - 81. Edward Publishing, Cheltenham (2020)
Book Chapter
Hruschka, C.: Dublin-Verordnung. In: Dörig, Harald (Hrsg.), Handbuch Migrations- und Integrationsrecht ( 2. Aufl.), pp. 582 - 627 (2020)
Book Chapter
Chesalina , O.: Platform Work as a New Form of Employment: Implications for Labour and Social Law. In: New forms of employment: current problems and future challanges / Jerzy Wratny, Agata Ludera-Ruszel (Editors), pp. 153 - 165 (2020)
Book Chapter
Hruschka, C.; Progin-Theuerkauf , S.: Die Rechtsprechung des EuGH zum Europäischen Migrationsrecht. In: Achermann et al. (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch für Migrationsrecht/Annuaire du droit de la migration 2019/2020, pp. 407 - 444 (2020)
Book Chapter
Mpedi, L. G.: Protecting the Health Care Rights of Refugees: Some Legal Perspectives from the Republic of South Africa. In: Health in Diversity – Diversity in Health. (Forced) Migration, Social Diversification, and Health in a Changing World, pp. 77 - 100 (2020)
Book Chapter
Crepaz, K.: Perspectives on the Nexus between (Forced) Migration and Health in Increasingly Heterogeneous Societies. In: Health in Diversity – Diversity in Health. (Forced) Migration, Social Diversification, and Health in a Changing World, pp. 1 - 10 (2020)
Book Chapter
Wagner, M.; Holdik, I.: Health and Socioeconomic Status over the Life Course: First Results from SHARE Waves 6 and 7". In: Börsch-Supan, Axel; Bristle, Johanna; Andersen-Ranberg, Karen; Brugiavini, Agar; Jusot, Florence; Litwin, Howard; Weber, Guglielmo( eds.), Health and Socioeconomic Status over the Life Course: First Results from SHARE Waves 6 and 7, de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 235-242. (2019)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: Art. 3, 7, 50-52 EUV (gemeinsame und abschließende Bestimmungen). In: : Becker, Ulrich/Schwarze, Jürgen/Hatje, Armin/Schoo, Johann (Hrsg.), EU-Kommentar, 4. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2019, S. 53-59, 137- 43, 427-435 (2019)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: Art. 34-36 AEUV (Warenverkehrsfreiheit). In: Becker, Ulrich/Schwarze, Jürgen/Hatje, Armin/Schoo, Johann (Hrsg.), EU-Kommentar, 4. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2019, S. 661-732 (2019)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: Sharing power with employers and employees: a tried and proven form of functional decentralisation in Europe. In: Schoukens, Peter; Vonk, Gijsbert (Hrsg.), Devolution and Decentralisation in Social Security: A European Comparative Perspective, Utrecht 2019 (2019)
Book Chapter
Becker, U.: EU 'Asylum System' - Elements, Failure and Reform Perspectives. In: Pichrt, Jan; Koldinská, Kristina (Hrsg.), Labour Law and Social Protection in a Globalized World, Alphen a. d. Rijn 2019, S. 205-211 (2019)
Book Chapter
He, L.: Dynamiques du droit d’actions collectives. In: Liber Amicorum Pierre Rodière, pp. 101 - 113. L.G.D.J., Paris (2019)
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