Book Chapter (715)

Book Chapter
Pirke, K. M.: Menstrual cycle and neuroendocrine disturbances of the gonadal axis in bulimia (nervosa). In: Bulimia Nervosa: Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy, pp. 258 - 269 (Ed. Fichter, M. M.). Wiley, Chichester (1990)
Book Chapter
Pirke, K. M.: The noradrenergic system in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. In: Anorexia Nervosa, pp. 30 - 44 (Eds. Remschmidt, H.; Schmidt, M. H.). Hogrefe and Huber, Toronto (1990)
Book Chapter
Pirke, K. M.: Biochemische Befunde bei Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa. In: Die Eßstörungen, pp. 25 - 31 (Eds. Hippius, H.; Lauter, H.; Greil, W.). MMV Medizin, München (1990)
Book Chapter
Ploog, D.: Neuroethological foundations of human speech. In: From Neuron to Action, pp. 365 - 374 (Eds. Deecke, L.; Eccles, J.; Mountcastle, V.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Ploog, D.: Neuronale Substrate der Lust und Unlust. In: Anhedonie: Verlust der Lebensfreude, pp. 31 - 57 (Ed. Heimann, H.). G. Fischer, Stuttgart (1990)
Book Chapter
Riemann, D.; Wiegand, M.; Berger, M.: Total sleep deprivation and naps in depressed patients. In: Psychiatry: A World Perspective, Vol. 2, pp. 358 - 363 (Eds. Stefanis, C. N.; Soldatos, C. R.; Rabavillas, A. D.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1990)
Book Chapter
Riemann, D.; Wiegand, M.; Berger, M.: Sleep, sleep deprivation, naps and the cholinergic system in depression. In: Sleep `90, pp. 232 - 234 (Ed. Horne, J. A.). Pontenagel Press, Bochum (1990)
Book Chapter
Scherg, M.: Fundamentals if dipole source potential analysis. In: Auditory evoked magnetic fields and electric potentials, pp. 40 - 69 (Eds. Grandori, ..; Hoke, M.; Romani, G. I.). Karger, Basel (1990)
Book Chapter
Scherg, M.; Cramon, D. v.: Dipole sources potentials of the auditory cortex in normal subjects and in patients with temporal lobe lesions. In: Auditory evoked magnetic fields and electric potentials, pp. 165 - 193 (Eds. Grandori, ..; Hoke, M.; Romani, G. I.). Karger, Basel (1990)
Book Chapter
Scherg, M.; Hari, R.; Hämäläinen, M.: Frequency-specific sources of the auditory N19-P30-P50 response detected by a multiple source analysis of evoked magnetic fields and potentials. In: Advances in biomagnetism, pp. 97 - 100 (Eds. Williamson, S. J.; Hoke, M.; Stroink, G.; Kotani, M.). Plenum Pr., New York (1990)
Book Chapter
Scherg, M.; Picton, T. W.: Brain electric source analysis of the mismatch negativity. In: Psychological Brain Research, Vol.1, pp. 94 - 98 (Eds. Brunia, C. H. M.; Gaillard, A. W. K.; Kok, A.). Tilburg University Press, Tilburg (1990)
Book Chapter
Schreiber, W.; Lauer, C.; Pirke, K.-M.; Emrich, H. M.; Leinsinger, G.; Moser, E. A.; Krieg, J. C.: The impact of starvation on brain morphology and function in eating disorders. In: Plasticity and Morphology of the Central Nervous System, pp. 83 - 91 (Eds. Cazzullo, C. L.; Sacchetti, E.; Conte, G.; Invernizzi, G.; Vita, A.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (1990)
Book Chapter
Schulz, H.: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Schlaf-Wach-Regulierung. In: Schlaf und Schlafstörungen, pp. 24 - 32 (Eds. Meier-Ewert, K.; Schulz, H.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Schulz, H.; Kiss, E.; Hasse, D.; Gudewill, S.; Löhr, K.; Brandenberger, M.; Follenius, M.; Pollmächer, T.: The 24-h hormonal secretion pattern of narcoleptic patients and control subjects. In: Sleep `90, pp. 375 - 378 (Ed. Horne, J. A.). Pontenagel Press, Bochum (1990)
Book Chapter
Siggins, G. R.; Zieglgänsberger, W.: How neuropeptides alter neuronal excitability. In: Neuropsychopharmacology, pp. 488 - 505 (Eds. Bunney Jr, W. E.; Hippius, H.; Laakmann, G.; Schmauß, M.). Springer, Berlin (1990)
Book Chapter
Simpson, G. V.; Scherg, M.; Ritter, W.; Vaughn Jr., H. G.: Localization and temporal activity functions of brain sources generating the human visual ERP. In: Psychophysiological Brain Research, Vol. 1, pp. 99 - 105 (Eds. Brunia, C. H. M.; Gaillard, A. W. K.; Kok, A.). Tilburg University Press, Tilburg (1990)
Book Chapter
Wiegand, M.; Möller, A. A.; Schreiber, W.; Holsboer, F.: Nocturnal sleep in patients with HIV infection. In: Sleep `90, pp. 267 - 269 (Ed. Horne, J. A.). Pontenagel Press, Bochum (1990)
Book Chapter
Wiegand, M.; Zulley, J.: Verlaufsmessung von Stimmung und Müdigkeit depressiver Patienten während therapeutischen Schlafentzugs. In: Veränderungsmessung in Psychiatrie und Klinischer Psychologie: Theoretische, methodische und empirische Beiträge, pp. 148 - 159 (Eds. Baumann, U.; Fähndrich, E.; Stieglitz, R.-D.; Woggon, B.). Profil, München (1990)
Book Chapter
Wittchen, H.-U.; Essau, C. A.: Assessment of symptoms and psychosocial disabilities in primary care. In: Psychological disorders in general medical settings, pp. 111 - 136 (Eds. Sartorius, N.; Goldberg, D.; de Girolamo J. A., G. C. e. S.; Lecrubier, Y.; Wittchen, H.-U.). Hogrefe and Huber, Toronto (1990)
Book Chapter
Wittchen, H.-U.; Essau, C. A.: Die Verläßlichkeit von Zeit- und Verlaufsparameter in standardisierten diagnostischen Interviews. In: Veränderungsmessung in Psychiatrie und Klinischer Psychologie: Theoretische, methodische und empirische Beiträge, pp. 272 - 284 (Eds. Baumann, U.; Fähndrich, E.; Stieglitz, R.-D.; Woggon, B.). Profil, München (1990)
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