Book Chapter (449)

Book Chapter
Fauser, U.; Faulstich, H.: Knollenblätterpilzvergiftung und Dialysiebarkeit der Toxine. In: Aktuelle Probleme der Dialyseverfahren und der Niereninsuffizienz, pp. 439 - 447 (Eds. v. Dittrich, P.; Skrabal, F.; Stühlinger, W.-D.). Verlag Carl Bindernagel, Friedberg (1975)
Book Chapter
Hasselbach, W.: Hans Hermann Weber 17.06.1896 - 12.06.1975. In: Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 81 - 84. Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg (1975)
Book Chapter
Makinose, M.: The mechanism of rapid calcium of the sarcoplasmic membrane. In: Calcium transport in contraction and secretion, pp. 367 - 372. North-Holland Publ. [u.a.], Amsterdam [u.a.] (1975)
Book Chapter
Schulz, G. E.; Schirmer, R. H.: Structural studies on crystalline adenylate kinase. In: Structure and conformation of nucleic acids and protein-nucleic acid interactions, pp. 303 - 315. Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, Md. [u.a.] (1975)
Book Chapter
Suko, J.; Hasselbach, W.: Phosphoprotein formation and ADP-ATP exchange of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. In: Basic functions of cations in myocardial activity, Vol. 5, pp. 117 - 123. Urban & Schwarzenberg, München [u.a.] (1975)
Book Chapter
Wieland, T.: Cyclische Peptide als Werkzeuge der molekularbiologischen Forschung. In: Cyclische Peptide als Werkzeuge der molekularbiologischen Forschung. Grundlagen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Chemilumineszenz, der Umwandlung von chemischer Energie in Licht, pp. 7 - 21. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen (1975)
Book Chapter
Wieland, T.; Schäfer, S.; Variath, G. M.; Faulstich, H.: Interaction of phalloidin with actin. In: Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Liver Cell Necrosis, pp. 193 - 197 (Ed. Keppler, D.). MTP, [Lancaster] (1975)
Book Chapter
Agostini, B.: Study by electron microscopy of some enzymatic and structural correlations om plasma lipoproteins. In: Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, p. 26 (1974)
Book Chapter
Agostini, B.; Hasselbach, W.: Electron mircoscopy of the calcium-transporting membranes of skeletal muscle fibres. In: Structure and function of normal and discased muscle and peripheral nerve, pp. 61 - 68 (Eds. Hausmanova-Petrusewicz, I.; Jedrzejowska, H.) (1974)
Book Chapter
Bäuerlein, E.: Thiol groups in oxidative phosphorylation: model reactions. In: Glutathione, pp. 44 - 57 (Eds. Flohé, L.; Benöhr, H. C.; Sies, H.) (1974)
Book Chapter
Hasselbach, W.: Sarcoplasmic membrane ATPase. In: The Enzymes, Vol. 10, pp. 431 - 467. Elsevier, New York, NY u.a. (1974)
Book Chapter
Hasselbach, W.: Section I. Sarcoplasmic calcium transport as prerequisite for electromecanical coupling. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology, pp. 5 - 20. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam [u.a.] (1974)
Book Chapter
Hasselbach, W.; Weber, H. H.: Anion specific carriers in the sarcoplasmic membranes. In: Membrane protein in transport and phosphorylation (1974)
Book Chapter
Hess, U.; Vosberg, H.-P.; Dürwald, H.; Schrecker, O.; Hoffmann-Berling, H.: Replication of the single-stranded DNA of bacteriophage ϕX174 in nucleotide-permeable cells. In: Mechanism and regulation of DNA replication, pp. 71 - 86. Plenum Press, New York [u.a.] (1974)
Book Chapter
Schrecker, O.; Hengstenberg, W.: The Pep dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) of staphylococcus aureus: phosphoryl transfer from the phosphoproteins to imidazole and L-histidine. In: Proteins of contractile systems, Vol. 9. North-Holland Publ. Co, Amsterdam (1974)
Book Chapter
Schröder, C.; Kaerner, H. C.: Replication of ϕX174 replicative form DNA in vivo. In: Mechanism and regulation of DNA replication, pp. 87 - 116. Plenum Press, New York [u.a.] (1974)
Book Chapter
Vosberg, H.-P.; Hoffmann-Berling, H.: Ether-treated cells. In: DNA replication, Vol. 7, pp. 151 - 161. Dekker, New York (1974)
Book Chapter
Wieland, T.; Möller, E. F.: Pantothensäure, Pantethein und andere Vorstufen des Coenzyms A. In: Fermente, Hormone, Vitamine und die Beziehungen dieser Wirkstoffe zueinander, Vol. 3. Aufl., Band III/1 Ed., pp. 698 - 726 (Ed. Ammon, R.) (1974)
Book Chapter
Agostini, B.; Hasselbach, W.: Structural and Cytochemical studies on fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum following treatment with various lipolytic enzymes. In: Basic research in myology, pp. 226 - 234. Excerpta Medica [u.a.], Amsterdam [u.a.] (1973)
Book Chapter
Birr, C.: On peptide with N-(α,α-dimethyl-3,5-dimethoxybenzyl)-oxycarbonyl (Ddz) amino acids. In: Peptides 1972, pp. 72 - 77 (1973)
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