Conference Paper (389)

Conference Paper
Dell'Acqua, F.: "Lux et vitrum": the evolution of stained glass from the Late Roman Empire to the Gothic Age. In: When glass matters: studies in the history of science and art from Graeco-Roman antiquity to early modern era, pp. 221 - 248 (Ed. Beretta, M.). When glass matters : studies in the history of science and art from Graeco-Roman antiquity to early modern era, Bologna, 2002-12 - 2003-01. Olschki, Firenze (2004)
Conference Paper
Ilg, U.: The cultural significance of costume books in Sixteenth-Century Europe. In: Clothing culture, 1350 - 1650, pp. 29 - 47 (Ed. Richardson, C.). Renaissance Studies Conference, Bristol, 2003-09. Ashgate, Aldershot [u.a.] (2004)
Conference Paper
Loseries, W.: Landschaft - Vedute - Bühnenprospekt: Sodomas Fresken in der Katharinenkapelle von San Domenico in Siena. In: Pejza·z: narodziny gatunku ; 1400 - 1600 ; materialy sesji naukowej 23 - 24 X 2003, pp. 161 - 182 (Eds. Dudzik, S.; Żuchowski, T. J.). Pejzaż : narodziny gatunku 1400-1600, Toruń, October 23, 2003 - October 24, 2003. Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika, Toruń (2004)
Conference Paper
Wolf, G.: Le immagini nel Quattrocento tra miracolo e magia: per una "iconologia" rifondata. In: The miraculous image in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance: papers from a conference held at the Accademia di Danimarca in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte), Rome, 31 May - 2 June 2003, pp. 305 - 320 (Eds. Thunø, E.; Wolf, G.). The miraculous image in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, Rome, May 31, 2003 - June 02, 2003. "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Rome (2004)
Conference Paper
Wolf, G.: Le Madonne dei Monti: Perspektiven der Forschung zum Kultbild im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung. In: Rahmen-Diskurse: Kultbilder im konfessionellen Zeitalter, pp. 358 - 371 (Eds. Ganz, D.; Henkel, G.). Rahmen-Diskurse : Kultbilder im konfessionellen Zeitalter, Münster, Westfalen, July 06, 2001 - July 08, 2001. Reimer, Berlin (2004)
Conference Paper
Wolf, G.: Holy place and sacred space: hierotopical considerations concerning the Eastern and Western Christian cultures from late antiquity to the middle ages. In: Ierotopija: issledovanie sakral'nych prostranstv ; materialy meždunarodnogo simpoziuma = Hierotopy: studies in the making of sacred spaces ; material from the international symposium, pp. 34 - 36 (Ed. Lidov, A. M.). 31st International Congress of the History of Art, Montreal, August 22, 2004 - August 27, 2004. Radunica, Moskva (2004)
Conference Paper
Bulst, W. A.: Hercules Gallicus, der Gott der Beredsamkeit: Lukians Ekphrasis als künstlerische Aufgabe des 16. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien. In: Visuelle Topoi: Erfindung und tradiertes Wissen in den Künsten der italienischen Renaissance, pp. 61 - 121 (Eds. Pfisterer, U.; Seidel, M.). Visuelle Topoi : Erfindung und tradiertes Wissen in den Künsten der italienischen Renaissance, Firenze, May 08, 2000 - May 11, 2000. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München [u.a.] (2003)
Conference Paper
Davis, M. D.: Perspective, Vitruvius, and the reconstruction of ancient architecture: the role of Piero della Francesca's De prospectiva pingendi. The treatise on perspective : published and unpublished, Washington, DC, November 07, 1997 - November 08, 1997. Studies in the history of art 59.2003, pp. 259 - 279 (2003)
Conference Paper
Dell'Acqua, F.: "...Mundus habet noctem, detinet aula diem": il vetro nelle architetture di Brescia, Cividale, Salerno, San Vincenzo al Volturno, Farfa ; nuovi dati scientifici. In: I Longobardi dei ducati di Spoleti e Benevento: atti del XVI Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 20 - 23 ottobre 2002, Benevento, 24 - 27 ottobre 2002, pp. 1351 - 1376. Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto [u.a.], October 20, 2002 - October 27, 2002. (2003)
Conference Paper
Melli, L.: Benozzo disegnatore di carte colorate. In: Benozzo Gozzoli: viaggio attraverso un secolo, pp. 115 - 128 (Eds. Castelnuovo, E.; Malquori, A.). Benozzo Gozzoli : viaggio attraverso un secolo ; convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze; Pisa, January 08, 1998 - January 10, 1998. Pacini, Ospedaletto (Pisa) (2003)
Conference Paper
Müller, R.: Constructing fame in a town: the case of medieval Genoa. International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2003-07. The public in urban space: papers from the daily life-strand at the International Medieval Congress (Leeds, July 2003), pp. 8 - 32 (2003)
Conference Paper
Stabenow, J.: La pianta centrale nell'architettura di un ordine religioso: i Barnabiti tra Cinquecento e Seicento. La pianta centrale nella Controriforma e la chiesa di S. Alessandro in Milano (1602), Milano, June 06, 2002 - June 07, 2002. La pianta centrale nella Controriforma e la chiesa di S. Alessandro in Milano (1602): atti del convegno, Milano, 6 - 7 giugno 2002, pp. 133 - 155 (2003)
Conference Paper
Wolf, G.: Der Splitter im Auge: "Cellini" zwischen Narziß und Medusa. In: Benvenuto Cellini: Kunst und Kunsttheorie im 16. Jahrhundert, pp. 315 - 336 (Eds. Nova, A.; Schreurs, A.). Benvenuto Cellini : Kunst und Kunsttheorie im 16. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt, Main, November 02, 2000 - November 05, 2000. Böhlau, Köln [u.a.] (2003)
Conference Paper
Wolf, G.: The Holy Face and the Holy Feet: preliminary reflections before the Novgorod Mandylion. In: Vostočnochristianskie relikvii = Eastern Christian relics, pp. 281 - 290 (Ed. Lidov, A. M.). Relics in the art and culture of the Eastern Christian world, Moskva, May 16, 2000 - May 19, 2000. Progress-Tradicija, Moskva (2003)
Conference Paper
Stabenow, J.: Die Einheit der Künste in der “neuen Welt” Erich Mendelsohns: zum Haus des Architekten am Rupenhorn in Berlin. Kolloquium Architektur und Bild in der Neuzeit, Stuttgart, November 12, 1999 - November 13, 1999., (2002)
Conference Paper
Gaier, M.: Die Moschee im Schwetzinger Schloßgarten. In: Okzident und Orient, pp. 47 - 71 (Eds. Ögel, S.; Wedekind, G.). Okzident und Orient, Berlin, June 23, 2001 - June 24, 2001. Ege Yayinlari, Istanbul (2002)
Conference Paper
Hansmann, M.: Con modo nuovo li descrive: Bellori's descriptive method. In: Art history in the age of Bellori: scholarship and cultural politics in seventeenth-century Rome, pp. 224 - 238 (Eds. Bell, J.; Willette, T.). Art history in the age of Bellori : scholarship and cultural politics in seventeenth-century Rome, Roma, November 21, 1996 - November 22, 1996. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [u.a.] (2002)
Conference Paper
Hansmann, M.: Dante - Petrarca - Boccaccio: die Dichter der Stadt Florenz als Gegenstand öffentlicher Selbstdarstellung. In: Florenz in der Frührenaissance: Kunst, Literatur, Epistolographie in der Sphäre des Humanismus ; Gedenkschrift für Paul Oskar Kristeller (1905 - 1999), pp. 109 - 130 (Ed. Müller Hofstede, J.). "Vita activa" und "vita contemplativa" in der Renaissance, Bonn, May 22, 1990. CMZ-Verlag, Rheinbach (2002)
Conference Paper
Hansmann, M.: The photographic archive of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz: perspectives of a digital database conceived for research. In: Atti del Convegno EVA 2002 Florence, pp. 192 - 194. EVA 2002 Florence : Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, Florence, March 18, 2002 - March 22, 2002. (2002)
Conference Paper
Laschke, B.: Arma et litterae: Tugendkonzeptionen an neapolitanischen Dichtergrabmälern. In: Praemium virtutis: Grabmonumente und Begräbniszeremoniell im Zeichen des Humanismus, pp. 61 - 81 (Eds. Poeschke, J.; Kusch, B.; Weigel, T.). Praemium virtutis : Grabmonumente und Begräbniszeremoniell im Zeichen des Humanismus, Münster, February 15, 2002 - February 16, 2002. Rhema, Münster (2002)
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