Other (1)

Kruse, I.: Migrationspolitik zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel, weltpolitik.net, (2004)

Newspaper Article (2)

Newspaper Article
Höpner, M.: Manager schätzen die Mitbestimmung. Frankfurter Rundschau (22.10.2004), p. 7 (2004)
Newspaper Article
Streeck, W.: Der amerikanisierte Arbeitsmarkt: Die Verteidigung des deutschen Sozialstaats befördert ganau das, was wir eigentlich nicht wollen: Zustände wie in den USA. Frankfurter Rundschau (12.6.2004), p. 79 (2004)

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Woll, C.: [Critique de livre] Représentation, contrôle et légitimité démocratique dans l’Europe des vingt-cinq. Revue Française de Sciences Politiques 54 (6), pp. 1032 - 1035 (2004)

Contribution to a Collected edition (48)

Contribution to a Collected edition
Angenendt, S.; Kruse, I.: Migrations- und Integrationspolitik in Deutschland 2002-2003: Der Streit um das Zuwanderungsgesetz. In: Migrationsreport 2004: Fakten - Analysen - Perspektiven, pp. 175 - 202 (Eds. Bade, K. J.; Bommes, M.; Münz, R.). Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Baumann, A.; Voelzkow, H.: Recombining Governance Modes: The Media Sector in Cologne. In: Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems, pp. 261 - 282 (Eds. Crouch, C.; LeGalès, P.; Trigilia, C.; Voelzkow, H.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beckert, J.; Eckert, J.; Kohli, M.; Streeck, W.: Einleitung. In: Transnationale Solidarität: Chancen und Grenzen, pp. 9 - 14 (Eds. Beckert, J.; Eckert, J.; Kohli, M.; Streeck, W.). Campus Verlag, Frankfurt a.M. (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyer, J.: Leaving Tradition Behind: Deutsche Bank, Allianz and the Dismantling of "Deutschland AG". In: Wirtschaft in soziologischer Perspektive. Diskurs und empirische Analysen, pp. 177 - 192 (Eds. Nollert, M.; Scholz, H.; Ziltener, P.). LIT Verlag, Münster (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyer, J.: Personelle Verflechtungen. In: Handwörterbuch Unternehmensführung und Organisation, pp. 1141 - 1149 (Eds. Schreyögg, G.; Werder, A. v.). Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyer, J.; Hassel, A.: The Effects of Convergence: Internationalization and the Changing Distribution of Net Value Added in Large German Firms. In: Corporate Governance, Vol. 3: European Corporate Governance, pp. 170 - 194 (Ed. Clarke, T.). Routledge, London (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyer, J.; Höpner, M.: Corporate Governance and the Disintegration of Organised Capitalism in the 1990s. In: Germany: Beyond the Stable State, pp. 179 - 198 (Eds. Kitschelt, H.; Streeck, W.). Cass, London (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Beyer, J.; Stykow, P.: Steuerung gesellschaftlichen Wandels: Utopie oder Möglichkeit? In: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Hoffnung, pp. 9 - 39 (Eds. Stykow, P.; Beyer, J.). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: Les problèmes du nouveau déterminisme. In: L'intégration européenne, pp. 65 - 75 (Eds. Lequesne, C.; Surel, Y.). Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: The State and Innovations in Economic Governance. In: Restating the State?, pp. 100 - 116 (Eds. Gamble, A.; Wright, T.). Blackwell, Malden, Mass. (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: Epilogue. In: A History of Sociology in Britain: Science, Literature, and Society, pp. 208 - 211. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: The State: Economic Management and Incomes Policy. In: Industrial Relations, pp. 105 - 123 (Ed. Edwards, P.). Blackwell, Malden (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: Markets and States. In: The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology, pp. 240 - 249 (Eds. Nash, K.; Scott, A.). Blackwell, Malden, Mass. (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: The European Machinery Industry under Pressure. In: Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems, pp. 13 - 22 (Eds. Crouch, C.; LeGalès, P.; Trigilia, C.; Voelzkow, H.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.: Hybrid Governance and Networked Firms. In: Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems, pp. 119 - 127 (Eds. Crouch, C.; LeGalès, P.; Trigilia, C.; Voelzkow, H.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)
Contribution to a Collected edition
Crouch, C.; Hill, M. S.: Regeneration in Sheffield: From Council Dominance to Partnership. In: Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems, pp. 180 - 196 (Eds. Crouch, C.; LeGalès, P.; Trigilia, C.; Voelzkow, H.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)
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