Book Chapter (68)

Book Chapter
Stammler, F.: Succes pa jordens yderste rand: eksisterende og tidligere udfordringer for renhyrderne i Vestsibirien Yamal-Nenets autonome okrug. In: Tundraen og tajgaens folk: the people of the Tundra and Taiga, pp. 31 - 43 (Ed. Oreskov, C.). Infonor, Kopenhagen (2002)
Book Chapter
Tadesse, W. G.: Evading the revolutionary state: the Hor under the Derg. In: Remapping Ethiopia: socialism and after, pp. 37 - 58 (Ed. James, W.). Currey, Oxford (2002)
Book Chapter
Thelen, T.: Gewinner und Verlierer in der postsozialistischen Landwirtschaft: das Beispiel einer ländlichen Gemeinde in Ungarn. In: Gewinner und Verlierer post-sozialistischer Transformationsprozesse: Beiträge für die 10. Brühler Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten, pp. 68 - 71 (Ed. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde). Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Bremen (2002)
Book Chapter
Thelen, T.: Bodenbindung und soziale Kontinuität in Mesterszállás (Ungarn) und Kisiratos (Rumänien). In: Regionale Volkskulturen in Ostmitteleuropa: Abgrenzung - Nachbarschaft - Interethnik, pp. 155 - 180 (Ed. Gehl, H.). Institut für Donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Tübingen (2002)
Book Chapter
Trajano Filho, W.: A nação na web: rumores de identidade na Guiné-Bissau. In: O dito e o feito: ensaios de antropologia dos rituais, pp. 85 - 112 (Ed. Peirano, M.). Relume-Dumará, Rio de Janeiro (2002)
Book Chapter
Turner, B.: "Die Verbreitung der Giftprobe in Afrika erklärt sich aus einer psychischen Veranlagung der Negerrasse": über das Giftordal, die so genannte Hexerei und institutionelle Konfliktregulierung im südlichen Afrika. In: Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde, pp. 127 - 144. Verlag des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde, München (2002)
Book Chapter
Turner, B.: Chr'ka im Südwesten Marokkos: Kooperation im Agrarbereich zwischen Khammessat-System und Rechtspluralismus. In: Wirtschaften: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Liedtke, pp. 69 - 100 (Eds. Reichenbach, A.; Seige, C.; Streck, B.). Escher, Gehren (2002)
Book Chapter
Vermeulen, H. F.: Ethnographie und Ethnologie in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Völker-Beschreibung und Völkerkunde in russland, Deutschland und Österreich (1740-1845). In: Mittel-, Nord- und Osteuropa, pp. 397 - 409 (Ed. Donnert, E.). Böhlau, Weimar (2002)
Book Chapter
Widlok, T.: Corporatism and the Namibian San. In: Challenges for anthropology in the "African Renaissance": a Southern African contribution; [AASA 2000 conference], pp. 206 - 216 (Eds. LeBeau, D.; Gordon, R.). University of Namibia Press, Windhoek (2002)
Book Chapter
Yalçın-Heckmann, L.: Negotiating identities: media representations of different generations of Turkish migrants in Germany. In: Fragments of culture: the everyday of modern Turkey, pp. 308 - 321 (Eds. Kandiyoti, D.; Saktanber, A.). I.B. Tauris, London (2002)
Book Chapter
Ziker, J.: Land use and economic change among the Dolgan and the Nganasan. In: People and the land: pathways to reform in post-Soviet Siberia, pp. 191 - 208 (Ed. Kasten, E.). Reimer, Berlin (2002)

Working Paper (18)

Working Paper
Abrahams, R.: Out of the collective frying pan? Ideals and practicalities in the reformulation and restitution of political and property rights in post-Soviet rural Estonia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 34 (2002), 20 pp.
Working Paper
Dafinger, A.; Pelican, M.: Land rights and the politics of integration: pastoralists' strategies in a comparative view. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 48 (2002), 23 pp.
Working Paper
Donahoe, B.: "Hey, You! Get offa my Taiga!": comparing the sense of property rights among the Tofa and Tozhu-Tyva. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 38 (2002), 28 pp.
Working Paper
Eckert, J.: Governing laws: on the appropriation and adaptation of control in Mumbai. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 33 (2002), 21 pp.
Working Paper
Flower, J.; Leonard, P.: Bifeng Gorge Nature Park: the ownership of landscape in postsocialist China. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 41 (2002), 37 pp.
Working Paper
Grätz, T.: Gold mining communities in Northern Benin as semi-autonomous social fields. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 36 (2002), 20 pp.
Working Paper
Kasten, E.: Cultural heritage: property of individuals, collectivities or humankind? Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 39 (2002), 12 pp.
Working Paper
Konstantinov, Y.; Vladimirova, V.: Ambigious Transition: agrarian reforms, management, and coping practices in Murmansk region reindeer herding. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 35 (2002), 29 pp.
Working Paper
Parkin, R.: Administrative reform, cross-border relations, and regional identity in Western Poland. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 47 (2002), 24 pp.
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