Book Chapter (2653)

Book Chapter
Schlee, G.: Language and ethnicity. In: International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, Vol. 12, pp. 8285 - 8288 (Eds. Smelser, N. J.; Baltes, P. B.). Elsevier, Amsterdam; Paris; New York; Oxford (2001)
Book Chapter
Schlee, G.: Klan und Lineage. In: Das Afrika-Lexikon: ein Kontinent in 1000 Stichwörtern, pp. 295 - 296 (Ed. Mabe, J. E.). Metzler; Hammer, Stuttgart; Weimar; Wuppertal (2001)
Book Chapter
Schlee, G.: Nomadismus. In: Das Afrika-Lexikon: ein Kontinent in 1000 Stichwörtern, pp. 455 - 457 (Ed. Mabe, J. E.). Metzler; Hammer, Stuttgart; Weimar; Wuppertal (2001)
Book Chapter
Schlee, G.: Scherzverwandtschaft. In: Das Afrika-Lexikon: ein Kontinent in 1000 Stichwörtern, pp. 536 - 537 (Ed. Mabe, J. E.). Metzler; Hammer, Stuttgart; Weimar; Wuppertal (2001)
Book Chapter
Schlee, G.: Verwandtschaft. In: Das Afrika-Lexikon: ein Kontinent in 1000 Stichwörtern, pp. 678 - 680 (Ed. Mabe, J. E.). Metzler; Hammer, Stuttgart; Weimar; Wuppertal (2001)
Book Chapter
Schorkowitz, D.: The orthodox church, Lamaism, and Schamanism among the Buriats and Kalmyks, 1825-1925. In: Of religion and empire: missions, conversion, and tolerance in Tsarist Russia, pp. 201 - 225 (Eds. Geraci, R. P.; Khodarkovsky, M.). Cornell University Press, Ithaca (2001)
Book Chapter
Schorkowitz, D.: Explaining destabilization and escalation in the Postsoviet era: with reference to Nagorno-Karabakh. In: From the Adriatic to the Caucasus: the dynamics of (de)stabilization; a CeMiSS international research, pp. 39 - 61 (Ed. Bianchini, S.). Longo, Ravenna (2001)
Book Chapter
Turner, B.: Die Persistenz traditioneller Konfliktregelungsverfahren im Souss, Marokko. In: Begegnung und Konflikt: eine kulturanthropologische Bestandsaufnahme, pp. 187 - 202 (Ed. Fikentscher, W.). Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München (2001)
Book Chapter
Turner, B.: Giftordal und Hexerei im südlichen Afrika. In: Spuren des Regenbogens: Kunst und Leben im südlichen Afrika, pp. 332 - 343 (Ed. Eisenhofer, S.). Arnoldsche, Stuttgart (2001)
Book Chapter
Widlok, T.: Introduction to part II: ritual practice. In: Symbolic categories and ritual practice in hunter-gatherer experiences, pp. 99 - 102 (Ed. Widlok, T.). The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto (2001)
Book Chapter
Widlok, T.: Preface. In: Symbolic categories and ritual practice in hunter-gatherer experiences, pp. 1 - 2. The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto (2001)
Book Chapter
Widlok, T.: The illusion of a future?: medicine dance rituals for the civil society of tomorrow. In: Symbolic categories and ritual practice in hunter-gatherer experiences, pp. 165 - 181 (Ed. Widlok, T.). The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto (2001)
Book Chapter
Yalçın-Heckmann, L.: Debates on Kurdish ethnicity in contemporary Turkey. In: Cultural persistence and globalisation, pp. 19 - 28 (Ed. Bellér-Hann, I.). Orientwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale (2001)
Book Chapter
Ziker, J. P.: Land use and social change among the Dolgan and Nganasan of Northern Siberia. In: Parks, property, and power: managing hunting practice and identity within state policy regimes, pp. 47 - 66 (Ed. Anderson, D. G.). National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka (2001)
Book Chapter
Ziker, J.: Tradičionnaja pišča i pitanie dolgan i nganasan. In: Narodnaja medicina, pp. 152 - 156 (Ed. Anderson, D. D.). Sibprint, Novosibirsk (2001)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: Da dang quyen so hu'u tai san va phat trien = property rights pluralism and development. In: Luât tục: và phát triên nông thôn hiên nay o ̉Viêt Nam; ky yêu hôi thao khoa học = Customary law and rural development in Vietnam today: the record of a scientific conference, pp. 258 - 294 (Ed. Ngô-Đúc-Thịnh). Nhà xuât bản Chinh trị quôc gia, Hanoi (2000)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: Natuurlijke hulpbronnen, rechten en conflikten op Ambon. In: Timbang Jaarboek 2000, pp. 20 - 32. Landelijk Steunpunt Educatie Molukkers, Utrecht (2000)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: On the reproduction of law: micro and macro in the time-space geography of law. In: XII. Congresso Internacional Derecho Consuetudinario y Pluralismo Legal: Desafios en el Tercer Milenio, pp. 997 - 1008. Universidad de Chile, Arica; Santiago (2000)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.: Relative publics and property rights: a cross-cultural perspective. In: Property and values: alternatives to public and private ownership, pp. 151 - 174 (Eds. Geisler, C. C.; Daneker, G.). Island Press, Washington (2000)
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, F. v.; Benda-Beckmann, K. v.: Gender and the multiple contingencies of water rights in Nepal. In: Water, land and law: changing rights to land and water in Nepal; proceedings of a workshop held in Kathmandu, 18-20 March 1998, pp. 17 - 38 (Eds. Pradhan, R.; Benda-Beckmann, F. v.; Benda-Beckmann, K. v.). Legal Research and Development Forum, Kathmandu (2000)
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