Book Chapter (2655)

Book Chapter
Eckert, J.: Reconciling the Mohalla. In: Religion between violence and reconciliation, pp. 365 - 389 (Ed. Scheffler, T.). Ergon, Beirut (2003)
Book Chapter
Eckert, J.: Sundar Mumbai: die städtische Gewaltordnung der selektiven Staatlichkeit. In: Space, troubles: jenseits des guten Regierens; Schattenglobalisierung, Gewaltkonflikte und städtisches Leben, pp. 35 - 50 (Eds. Becker, J.; Lanz, S.). b_books Verlag, Berlin (2003)
Book Chapter
Eidson, J.: Heritage and inheritance in small business families of postsocialist East Germany: two case studies from Leipzig's Southern region. In: Distinct inheritances: property, family and community in a changing Europe, pp. 347 - 370 (Eds. Grandits, H.; Heady, P.; Rottenburg, R.; Schnepel, B.; Shimada, S.). LIT, Münster (2003)
Book Chapter
Eidson, J.; Milligan, G.: Cooperative entrepreneurs?: collectivisation and privatisation of agriculture in two East German regions. In: The postsocialist agrarian question: property relations and the rural condition, pp. 47 - 92 (Eds. Hann, C.; "Property Relations" Group). LIT, Münster (2003)
Book Chapter
Falge, C.: Modernity and christianity among the Nuer in Africa and the USA. In: Hot spot Horn of Africa: between integration and disintegration, pp. 59 - 67 (Ed. Bruchhaus, E.-M.). LIT, Münster (2003)
Book Chapter
Feyissa, D.: The socio-economic status of Artisans among the Oyda of Southern Ethiopia. In: Peripheral people: the excluded minorities of Ethiopia, pp. 149 - 171 (Eds. Freeman, D.; Pankhurst, A.). Hurst, London (2003)
Book Chapter
Finke, P.: Does privatisation mean commoditisation?: market exchange, barter and gift-giving in post-socialist Mongolia. In: Anthropological perspectives on economic development and integration, pp. 199 - 223 (Eds. Dannhaeuser, N.; Werner, C.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2003)
Book Chapter
Foblets, M.-C.: La gestion de l'appartenance par le droit dans un contexte de société plurielle: étude à partir de la jurisprudence belge (1970-2001). In: Les pluralismes juridiques, pp. 97 - 112 (Ed. Le Roy, É.). Karthala, Paris (2003)
Book Chapter
Foblets, M.-C.: Muslim family laws before the courts in Europe: a conditional recognition. In: Muslims in the enlarged Europe: religion and society, pp. 255 - 284 (Eds. Maréchal, B.; Allievi, S.; Dassetto, F.; Nielsen, J.). Brill, Leiden (2003)
Book Chapter
Foblets, M.-C.: L'enfant d'une famille musulmane: questions particulières relatives à la gestion par le droit de l'appartenance. In: L'enfant et les relations familiales internationales: actes du VIIe Colloque de l'Association "Famille & droit", Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-20 octobre 2001, pp. 235 - 263 (Ed. Renchon, J.-L.). Bruylant, Bruxelles (2003)
Book Chapter
Foblets, M.-C.; Cornelis, E.: Woord vooraf. In: Migratie, zijn wij uw kinderen?: identiteitsbeleving bij allochtone jongeren, pp. 9 - 12 (Eds. Foblets, M.-C.; Cornelis, E.). Acco, Leuven (2003)
Book Chapter
Fosztó, L.: Szorongás és megbélyegzés: a cigány-magyar kapcsolat gazdasági, demográfiai és szociokulturális dimenziói. In: Lokális világok: együttélés a Kárpát-medencében, pp. 83 - 107 (Ed. Bakó, B.). MTA Társadalomkutató Központ, Budapest (2003)
Book Chapter
Fosztó, L.: The tyrant, the terrorists and disruptive elements: aliens in the Romanian revolution of december 1989. In: Breaking the wall: representing anthropology and anthropological representations in post-communist Eastern Europe, pp. 71 - 84 (Eds. Anastasoaie, V.; Könczei, C.; Magyari-Vincze, E.; Pecican, O.). EFES, Cluj-Napoca (2003)
Book Chapter
Gabbert, E. C.: Arbore soundscape or stumbling into a new chapter. In: Hot spot Horn of Africa: between integration and disintegration, pp. 118 - 122 (Ed. Bruchhaus, E.). LIT, Münster (2003)
Book Chapter
Glick-Schiller, N.: The centrality of ethnography in the study of transnational migration: seeing the Wetland instead of the Swamp America arrivals. In: American arrivals: anthropology engages the new immigration, pp. 99 - 128 (Ed. Foner, N.). School of American Research Press, Santa Fe (2003)
Book Chapter
Glick-Schiller, N.; Fouron, G.: Killing me softly: violence, globalization, and the apparent state. In: Globalization, the state, and violence, pp. 203 - 249 (Ed. Friedman, J.). AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek; Oxford (2003)
Book Chapter
Görlich, J.: Tanzen auf mythischen Pfaden: Beziehungen zwischen Land und Menschen bei den Kobon in Papua-Neuguinea. In: Hamburg - Südsee: Expedition ins Paradies, pp. 337 - 374 (Ed. Köpke, W.). Hamburg (2003)
Book Chapter
Gray, P. A.: Chukotkan reindeer husbandry in the twentieth century: in the image of Soviet economy. In: Cultivating arctic landscapes: knowing and managing animals in the circumpolar North, pp. 136 - 153 (Eds. Anderson, D.; Nuttall, M.). Berghahn, Oxford (2003)
Book Chapter
Gray, P. A.: Volga farmers and arctic herders: common (post)socialist experiences in rural Russia. In: The postsocialist agrarian question: property relations and the rural condition, pp. 293 - 320 (Eds. Hann, C.; "Property Relations" Group). LIT, Münster (2003)
Book Chapter
Haneke, G.: Deconstructing identity: the Oromo in South Ethiopia. In: Ethnic identities and political action in post-cold war Europe, pp. 12 - 14 (Eds. Xirotiris, N.I.; Marangudakis, M.). International Demokritos Foundation Press, Xanthi (2003)
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