Book Chapter (2655)

Book Chapter
Hann, C. M.: Utóparasztok a Futóhomokon: az 'egyszerűbb' mezőgazdasági szövetkezetek bonyolult társadalmi öröksége. In: Utóparaszti hagyományok és modernizációs törekvések a magyar vidéken, pp. 19 - 36 (Eds. Schwarcz, G.; Szarvas, Z.; Szilágyi, M.). MTA Néprajzi Kutatóintézet / MTA Társadalomkutatóintézet, Budapest (2005)
Book Chapter
Hann, C.: Über Kulturen, Wissenschaftskulturen und die Biographien einzelner Ethnologen. In: Bewegliche Horizonte: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Bernhard Streck, pp. 445 - 458 (Eds. Geisenhainer, K.; Lange, K.). Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig (2005)
Book Chapter
Hann, C. M.; Sárkány, M.; Skalník, P.: Introduction: continuities and contrasts in an essentially contested field. In: Studying peoples in the people's democracies: socialist era anthropology in East-Central Europe, pp. 1 - 20 (Eds. Hann, C. M.; Sárkány, M.; Skalník, P.). LIT, Münster (2005)
Book Chapter
Hanschel, D.: Assessing institutional effectiveness: lessons drawn from the international environmental regimes on climate change and ozone depletion. In: Institutionalization of international negotiation systems: theoretical concepts and practical insights, pp. 11 - 21 (Eds. Riedel, E.; Hanschel, D.). Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, Mannheim (2005)
Book Chapter
Haukanes, H.; Pine, F.: Introduction. In: Generations, kinship and care: gendered provisions of social security in Central Eastern Europe, pp. 1 - 21 (Eds. Haukanes, H.; Pine, F.). University of Bergen, Bergen (2005)
Book Chapter
Heady, P.: Barter. In: Handbook of economic anthropology, pp. 262 - 274 (Ed. Carrier, J. G.). SAGE, London (2005)
Book Chapter
Heady, P.: Inheritance and kinship in Europe: overview. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 14 - 15 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
Book Chapter
Heady, P.: Nuclear families and cognatic descent: reflections on two characterizations of European kinship. In: Anthropology of Europe: teaching and research, pp. 67 - 76 (Ed. Skalník, P.). Set Out, Prague (2005)
Book Chapter
Heady, P.: Property and kinship in rural Russia - and elsewhere. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 46 - 49 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
Book Chapter
Heintz, M.: Time and work ethic in post-socialist Romania. In: The qualities of time: anthropological approaches, pp. 171 - 186 (Ed. James, W.). Berg, Oxford (2005)
Book Chapter
Höhne, M.: Somalia - ein Neubeginn?: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse in Nord-Somalia. In: Kriesenherd Nordostafrika: internationale oder afrikanische Verantwortung?, pp. 41 - 64 (Ed. Feichtinger, W.). Nomos, Baden-Baden (2005)
Book Chapter
Istomin, K. V.: Komi-izemskoe olenevodstvo: istoriografija dvuch vekov izučenija. In: Studia Juvenalia, pp. 88 - 102. Komi Naučnyj Centr, Syktyvkar (2005)
Book Chapter
Kaneff, D.: Cultural property: overview. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 18 - 20 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
Book Chapter
Kaneff, D.: Comparing rural property relations in Bulgaria and Ukraine. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 50 - 53 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
Book Chapter
Kasten, E.: Culture as property: returning knowledge to native communities. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 54 - 57 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
Book Chapter
Kasten, E.: The dynamics of identity management. In: Rebuilding identities: pathways to reform in post-Soviet Siberia, pp. 237 - 260 (Ed. Kasten, E.). Reimer, Berlin (2005)
Book Chapter
Knörr, J.: When German children come 'home': experiences of (re-)migration to Germany - and some remarks about the "TCK"-issue. In: Childhood and migration: from experience to agency, pp. 51 - 76 (Ed. Knörr, J.). transcript, Bielefeld (2005)
Book Chapter
Knörr, J.; Nunes, A.: Introduction. In: Childhood and migration: from experience to agency, pp. 9 - 22 (Ed. Knörr, J.). transcript, Bielefeld (2005)
Book Chapter
Konstantinov, Y.: Istorija kollektivizirovannogo olenevodstva na Kol'skom Severe: nekotorye nedorazumenija i 'belye piatna'. In: Usakovskie ctenija II: materialy naucno-prakticeskoj mezregional'noj istoriko-kraevedceskoj konferencii pamiati professora I. F. Usakova, 2-4 marta 2005 g., pp. 192 - 203 (Ed. Voronin, A. V.). MGPU, Murmansk (2005)
Book Chapter
Leutloff-Grandits, C.: Claiming ownership in post-war Croatia: the dynamics of property relations and the ethnic conflict in the Knin region. In: Property Relations: the Halle Focus Group, 2000-2005, pp. 62 - 65 (Ed. Hann, C.). Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale (2005)
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