Research report 2016 - Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Lifespans becoming more similar

Colchero, Fernando; Rau, Roland; Scheuerlein, Alexander; Schwentker, Björn; Vaupel, James W.
MPI für demografische Forschung, Forschungsgruppe Mathematische Demografie; Arbeitsbereich Altern und Langlebigkeit; Max-Planck Odense Center zur Biodemografie des Alterns, Arbeitsbereich Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Biodemografie; MPI für demografische Forschung, Arbeitsbereich Evolutionäre Biodemografie
The higher the life expectancy in a society, the smaller the difference between the ages at which people will die. This relation can be described by a mathematical rule, as demographic data from many countries show. The relationship holds not only for very different human cultures and epochs, but similarly for non-human primates. Although separated by millions of years of evolution, for both humans and non-human primates the lives of females tend to be longer than the lives of males, suggesting deep evolutionary roots to the male disadvantage.

For the full text, see the German version.

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