Annual Report 2014

Every year the Max Planck Society submits a report on its annual activities and commenced or planned undertakings. As stated in the statues, the Senate adopts the annual report and presents it to the General Meeting.

The Max Planck Society in figures. All the facts regarding personal, finances, support of young scientists & technology transfer as PDF to download.
Max Planck President Martin Stratmann about his first year in office
The Yearbook of the Max Planck Society (titles and abstracts available in English) renders account on the scientific research performed at the Max Planck Institutes. The Yearbook includes scientific research reports from all the Max Planck facilities, the scientific presentations held at the General Meeting, as well as a bibliographic database of all the scientific publications of the Max Planck Society published during the previous year. The yearbook is only available in digital form.
Günther Schlee: How terrorists are made | Stefan Schaal: Robots are becoming autonomous | Victor Sourjik: Rules for Cooperation in the Cell
Partner Groups | Max Planck Centers and Partner Institutes | Max Planck Fellows | Cooperation with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft | Tandem Projects | Max Planck Research Networks and Cross-Institutional Initiatives
Minerva Program | Max Planck Research Groups | International Max Planck Research Schools | and Max Planck Graduate Center
Finances | Staff | Subsidiaries | Organigramme |Staff of the Governing Bodies | Overview of Research Facilities
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